Selasa, 28 Desember 2010


Who Says - John Mayer Cover

Lucid Dream Part 1

Percobaan Lucid Dream hari ini berhasil, biar cuma sbntar saya bisa hapal detail mimpinya, dan saya sadar ketika mimpi saya melakukan hal yg ingin saya lakukan. Hari ini bersetting di Bandung, dengan org2 kampus. Seru sih, tapi kurang lama, kebangun gara-gara keponakan pada berisik...gggrrrrrr

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Manusia Miniatur Dari

sadar gak sih, segala sesuatu didunia ini merupakan refleksi dari manusia...

coba pikirkan...simple ajah deh, penamaan istilah2 di dunia, sebuah negara diibaratkan rumah, ada ibu bapak dan anak...ibu disini artinya bumi berpijak, yang memiliki otak atau kepala yang merupakan pusat pemikiran, dan akhirnya disebut ibu kota negara...bapak, diibaratkan seorang pemimpin yang bertanggung jawab kepada keluarganya yang akhirnya disebut presiden...dan anak, merupakan refleksi rakyat di negara itu...benar istilah banyak anak banyak rejeki, asalkan anak2 itu memiliki bekal hidup[ yang memadai yang akhirnya bisa membanggakan dan bisa berkontribusi kepada bapak dan ibunya...artinya rakyatnya harus memiliki kemampuan yang memadai untuk dirinya sendiri dan kepada bangsa dan negaranya...

kepala = berisikan otak, mata, hidung, telinga, lidah, rambut...otak merupakan pusat perintah ditubuh kita...mata penglihatan...hidung penciuman...telinga pendengar...lidah perasa...rambut mahkota atau image...di negara otak diperankan oleh para pemerintah dan pejabat tinggi yang diharapkan memiliki kesadaran untuk membuat seisi tubuhnya merasakan hal2 baik...mata diperankan sebagai pengawas pemerintahan ini bisa diperankan para media yang seharusnya bisa memberikan visi kepada otak untuk otak bisa menentukan yang terbaik...hidung, diperankan oleh para penegak hukum yang diharapkan bisa mencium segala sesuatu agar otak bisa melakukan yang terbaik, mencium kebaikan, mencium keburukan...telinga diperankan oleh polisi yang sangat dekat dengan rakyat, mendengar laporan masyarakat dan menyampaikannya ke otak agar segala yang didengar bisa direspon...lidah perasa, diperankan oleh rakyat itu sendiri...mereka yang bisa merasakan lebih real apa yang akan dan sedang terjadi...dan rambut merupakan image atau gambaran negara...jika rambut ditata rapih mencerminkan negara yang teratur, begitu sebaliknya...

dan keseluruhan tubuh merupakan refleksi dari bangsa itu sendiri...bangsa adalah satu, tubuh adalah satu...disaat salah satu anggota tubuh merasakan sakit, seluruh tubuh juga ikut terasa sakit...artinya jika ada salah satu dari kita sakit, maka itu merupakan kepedihan bagi kita semua sebagai bangsa yang satu...

kesimpulannya, cobalah kita mulai melihat sekitar...masih banyak saudara bangsa kita yang hidup jauh dari kebercukupan...sudahlah, jangan terus menyenangkan diri sendiri...jangan kita sakiti saudara kita sendiri, artinya jangan kita sakiti diri kita sendiri...

jika harus ditempuh dengan darah agar semua anggota tubuh kita merasakan baik, lakukan lah...berjuanglah untuk membela diri kita...membela bangsa kita...

caranya? kita berkaca, dan sadari siapa diri kita...


benar kata iklan PRUDENTIAL, Always Listening, Always Understanding...
Terkadang kita lebih bnyak mementingkan hasrat kita untuk terus berbicara banyak, tentang banyak hal juga...
padahal, hanya dengan mendengar lah kita bisa mengetahui apa yang belum kita ketahui tanpa harus merasakan pahitnya...
mendengar dan terus mendengar...itu yang gue lakonin hampir 2 tahun belakangan ini...
gue sadar di usia gue yang masih 21 tahun ini, pengalaman hidup gue belum se EXPERT yang udah tua...
tapi gue juga gak ngerti knpa bnyak sahabat2 gue merasa nyaman berbagi cerita ke gue...
gak jarang bnyak pelajaran yang bisa gue ambil dari cerita hidup mereka, senang, sedih, gagal, berhasil, semuanya, udah bnyak gue dapet dari mereka...

manusiawi kalo org paling sering terjebak di masalah perasaan...dan kebanyakan juga yang cerita ke gue yah, mereka yg punya masalah sm pasangan or perasaan mereka itu sendiri...
gue seneng banget klo masih ada yg mempercayakan gue untuk menjadi pendengar mereka...
lebih seneng lagi klo gue bisa bantu mereka...

bnyak udah masalah temen2 gue yg bisa sedikit gue bantu dengan masukan2 positif gue...tapi gue bingung, kenapa hal itu gak bisa gue terapin di diri gue sendiri?

yah kalo gue suudzon kan dosa, positifnya sih mungkin Allah masih pengen ngeliat gue ngebantu sahabat2 gue dulu, karena mungkin tanpa harus gue ambil pusing pun udah ada sesuatu yg terbaik yg udah disiapin DIA didepan sana...

gue enjoy jalanin hidup gue skrg...gue enjoy dengan bisa bantu bnyak org nyelesaiin maslah mereka, gue enjoy bisa bergaul kemanapun gue suka...

gak munafik juga sih, gue juga pengen ada yang merhatiin gue, yah kasih special attention ke gue...yah gue cuma bisa bnyak berdoa, semoga dipercepat ajah...

cuma Allah yang tau mana yang terbaik buat hamba-hambanya...

so, thanks god...udah kasih bnyak temen ke saya...
thanks all buddies...udah mau jadiin gue pendengar kalian,,,udah kasih bnyak pelajaran hidup untuk gue...

terus usaha untuk gak terus2an sedih2an mengeluh apa lagi suudzon...


Yakin Pasti Bisa

manusia diperkenankan menggunakan akal dan pikirannya untuk melakukan banyak hal...semua perintah bisa dilakukan dengan mudah kepada dirinya sendiri. terkadang manusia tidak sadar, mereka telah membawa diri mereka ke sebuah keadaan yang sebenarnya tidak mereka harapkan...

ketika hati telah menetapkan kepada satu titik, dibutuhkan keteguhan, kesabaran, kesetiaan, ketulusan dan loyalitas tinggi untuk menuju titik itu...tidak jarang kita sering menempatkan titik itu terlampau jauh, tinggi...sehingga kita menjadi susah sendiri untuk menuju titik itu...tidak salah juga jika kita menginginkan itu, artinya kita memang harus bisa mempersiapkan diri menuju titik itu, dengan konsekuensi yang sudah diperhitungkan...baik buruk, sedih gembira, tangis tawa, murung canda, itu semua warna...

jika manusia meyakini akan suatu hal yang dianggapnya terbaik untuk dirinya, maka percayalah tuhan akan memberikan jalannya, entah cepat atau lambat, lurus atau berliku, semua tergantung keteguhan hati kita akan keputusan kita itu...semua bisa jadi berat ketika kita sudah mendiskreditkan diri kita sendiri...artinya, harus positif, suggest positif...

seorang atlet lompat galah bisa melewati rintangan setinggi itu,karena ada keyakinan dihatinya bahwa dia bisa melakukannya, disamping latihan keras, jatuh, coba lagi, jatuh lagi, sampai pada akhirnya dia bisa tersenyum puas atas hasil dari semua perjuangannya.

apapun yang sedang km kejar saat ini, cukup yakinkan hatimu, percaya km bisa, percaya km hebat, dan pastinya keteguhan hati, loyalitas, kesabaran, ketulusan, kesetiaan, serta minta kepada-Nya yakinkan DIA, bahwa itu yang terbaik untuk mu...sekarang gak cukup "be your self", kita harus "be the best your self".

Miripkah Diriku?

Ini foto teman-teman saya...lihat betapa miripnya mereka...hhahaha ( piss ya :D )


History of Game Console Part 1 (1970-1976)

Magnavox Odyssey

Released in 1972
The Magnavox Odyssey is the first home video game console, predating the Atari PONG home consoles by three years. The Odyssey was designed by Ralph Baer, who had a working prototype finished by 1968. This prototype is affectionately known as the "Brown Box" to classic video game hobbyists. Unlike most video game consoles, the Odyssey is analog rather than digital, which makes its invention all the more amazing in spite of its rather crude graphics and controller responsiveness. Also, unlike any conventional console today, this system was powered by batteries. The Odyssey and its variants also lack sound capability (hence a silent console), which was not uncommon in early PONG systems of that era.
The Odyssey was released in May 1972. While it did not perform badly, it did not take long before it succumbed to poor marketing by Magnavox retail chains. One of their mistakes was misleading consumers into believing that the Odyssey would work only on Magnavox televisions. It did, however, prove that consoles for the home could be designed.

Atari PONG

Released in 1975
In 1973, after the success of the original PONG coin-op, an Atari engineer by the name of Harold Lee came up with the idea of a home PONG unit. Since the PONG coin-op that Alan Alcorn designed was nothing more than the game board connected to an actual television set, he thought it would be possible to scale it down a bit and modify it for use at home. This would be a new direction for the fledgling Atari consumer electronics. If they could pull it off, they would be one of the pioneers of using high tech custom integrated circuits in the consumer industry.
In 1975 it was decided Sears would sell PONG under it's own specially created Tele-Games label, and production was initially projected at 50,000 units. This was soon raised to 150,000 for the 1975 Christmass season. Atari agreed to give Sears exclusive rights for the following year, and would continue to make custom Tele-Games versions for any future consoles. This was the beginning of a long relationship between Atari and Sears, which would continue even after Nolan Bushnell sold Atari to Warner.

Magnavox Odyssey 100

Released in 1975
The Odyssey 100 was an analog system which used four Texas Instruments chips. It did not use cartridges and played two games: TENNIS and HOCKEY. A simple switch selected the games, and the system was either powered by six batteries, or by an AC adaptor (such power supplies were widely used by other systems).
The Odyssey 100 was very basic and didn't have the common features of the million-seller PONG systems of the next years. The knobs were fixed: there were no detachable controllers yet. There was no digital on-screen scoring: the players marked their score using two little plastic cursors on the system. The serve couldn't be changed: it was automatic. This could seem strange compared to the first Atari PONG systems which already had digital on-screen scoring. In fact, this was just a question of technology. On-screen scoring would have required additional components, which would have increased the cost of the system. Nevertheless, on-screen scoring was added in later systems although the first attempts used archaic graphics. The first Magnavox system to offer digital on-screen was the Odyssey 300 in 1976.

Magnavox Odyssey 200

Released in 1975
Still in 1975, Magnavox released an improved version of the Odyssey 100: the Odyssey 200. It was same as the Odyssey 100 but with two additional chips from Texas Instruments, which added a third game called SMASH and some on-screen scoring. The Odyssey 200 could be played by two or four players (first system to offer this feature), and displayed very basic on-screen scoring using small rectangles (it still had the two plastic cursors to record the scores). Each time a player marked a point, his white rectangle would shift on the right. The winner was obviously the first whose rectangle would reach the rightmost position on the screen. Although the scores were not yet digital, the Odyssey 200 remained more advanced than the first home version of Atari PONG because it played three different games for two or four players.
1975 marked the beginning of a long history. Both Atari and Magnavox released their systems, and more advanced ones were to come.

Atari Super PONG

Released in 1976
Atari's sales of the Home PONG console were phenomenal to put it mildly. Atari would continue to cash in of the PONG franchise by releasing yet another home version of one of its arcade game assets. This time it would be Super PONG. Now home players could select for 4 different variations of PONG games to delight and entertain them for countless hours.
Meanwhile numerous knock-off PONG-type consoles were hitting the market. However, because of Atari's now well known presence in the coin-op market, its name recognition helped it stand out. Also Atari's unusual Pedestal design helped Atari stand out in the Sears Retail Stores as well as other stores who were now carrying Atari products.
When compared to the plethora of bland and boxy "Me-Too" consoles by so many other companies, the Atari PONG line of consoles simply stood out. Atari's consoles had eye catching rainbow colors and a deep and ear catching PONG sound from their built in speaker. Most other consoles were still far behind playing catch up with Black & White displays, flimsy controllers and some even without sound.

Wonder Wizard 7702

Released in 1976
The Wonder Wizard Model 7702 was sold in 1976 and contains a Magnavox Odyssey 300 circuit board housed into a derivate of the 1972 Odyssey case. The bottom part of the case is identical, only the top differs and was made in two versions: one with silver knobs and woodgrain only in the section containing the "Wonder Wizard" name, and one (as pictured) with black knobs and woodgrain everywhere.
Like Odyssey 300, this system used a 3-position switch to choose one of three predefined combinations of difficulties, avoiding the need to change the ball speed, ball angle and bat size separately. Few systems used this design and most others used individual skill level switches.

Coleco Telstar

Released in 1976
Telstar, Coleco's first video game system, was released in 1976 and played only three games with three difficulty levels. It was the first system to use GI's AY-3-8500 chip and was a real success: over a million units were sold.
The AY-3-8500 chip played six games with more difficulty levels, and the games could also be played in color. It was pretty obvious that Coleco would release more systems. At least 15 different games were released in two years with the only differences between the "pong" systems being the number of games, the way the difficulty levels were used, and the type of pictured (color or black and white).
An amazing detail is the way Coleco packed their video game systems, they were sold partially assembled. The systems were electronically ready to play, but the users had to put on the knobs and stick the decorative stickers on the plastic case. So far, only Coleco is known to have released their systems this way. It is believed that this was done to save on assembling costs.

Coleco Telstar Classic

Released in 1976
The Telstar video game console produced by Coleco first went on sale in 1976. It was a video tennis clone similar to Pong. With a price of $50, budget minded consumers loved it. Coleco sold over 1,000,000 units in 1976.
Released the same year as the original Telstar, the Telstar Classic unit was essentially the same as the Telstar. It simply added a classic 1970's wood grain case to it. This unit allowed 3 games (Tennis, Hockey, Handball) and 3 different skill levels.
In the Christmas season of 1977, nine new designs of the Telstar were released, each of them doing virtually the same thing. It was labeled "Video Sports" with four different games, all of them PONG clones. During it's life span, Coleco had produced about nine different variations of their machine and tossed about one million 'obsolete' machines.

Magnavox Odyssey 300

Released in 1976
Magnavox used several Texas Instruments chips, each having a special function (collision detection, on-screen scoring, etc). Atari had the advantage of using the first chips often called "PONG in a chip", but the chips were not available to other manufacturers. Each different Atari system used a special chip. Of course, a few discrete components interfaced the chip to the system (video modulator, player controls, etc). These chips replaced most of the numerous components used in analog and digital systems. Although Atari chips were a smart design, the idea of integrating complex circuits into a single chip was a common idea at that time, and other video game manufacturers would soon release their own video game chips.
Magnavox continued with the Odyssey 300 in 1976, which was one of the first system to use a single game chip containing the major circuitry of a PONG system (after the 1975 Atari PONG system).

Magnavox Odyssey 400

Released in 1976
Still in 1976, Magnavox released the Odyssey 400. It played the same games than the Odyssey 200 and used an additional Texas Instruments chip to display digital on-screen scoring (it was the first analog Odyssey system to display digital on-screen scoring). On-screen scoring was quite well designed. As a matter of fact, the scores were large and were only shown when the ball was lost, and a large 'W' letter was displayed on the winner's side when the games were over.
Like the Odyssey 100 and 200, the Odyssey 400 used the same three knobs to move the bats and control the "English" effect on the ball.

Magnavox Odyssey 500

Released in 1976
The Odyssey 500 was also released in 1976, and was very advanced for that time considering the technology used. It was in fact the only system of its kind. As a matter of fact, the white paddles representing the players were replaced by simple color graphics: two tennis players with their rackets (TENNIS game), two squash players (SQUASH), or two hockey players holding their sticks (HOCKEY).
Magnavox released the Odyssey 2000, 3000 and 4000 in 1977. The Odyssey 5000 was planned but never released. It was designed to play 24 games (7 different types) for two or four players. The Odyssey 4000 was the last PONG system released by Magnavox.

Fairchild Channel F

Released in 1976
The Channel F was the first programmable video game system, having plug-in cartridges containing ROM and microprocessor code rather than dedicated circuits. Not a very popular or entertaining system, it was nonetheless important at the time for having a number of original features which were copied by later more successful systems.
Fairchild released twenty-six different cartridges for the system, with up to four games being on each cartridge. The games included sports, such as Hockey, Tennis and Baseball, educational, such as Maths Quiz, board games, such as Checkers, and shooting games, such as Space War. The cartridges had labels that contained the game instructions on them and each were given a sequential number. In this respect Fairchild started a trend in trying to boost game sales by numbering them and so appealing to consumers who wanted to complete their collection.
The Channel F console's popularity lowered when the Atari released their VCS in 1977 as the VCS had much better graphics, games and sound.

RCA Studio II

Released in 1976
RCA could not accept the fact that they let the Odyssey slip through there fingers (Ralph Baer the designer of Odyssey approached RCA with the deal first), and into the hands of there TV rival Magnavox. The RCA Studio II was their answer to the Magnavox Odyssey. Released in 1976 a few months after the release of the Fairchild Channel F, it would have been the first programmable console (Fairchild beat them to the release gate).
The console was doomed from the start. The lack of a color display and control paddles made the unit old and dated. With only 8 games released, the Studio II suffered the same fate as Channel F. Overshadowed and rendered obsolete by the Atari VCS / 2600
The RCA Studio II should have been a color console, a few games were designed for color, but the video output of the console was black & white. A Studio II clone released in the UK called The Sheen M1200 was released in 1978, and produced PAL color with RCA Studio II games and was a more successful unit.


Obat untuk melepas jenuh, mengembalikan suasana hati, bikin semangat hari-hari gue, ya menyanyi. Entah kenapa gue bisa suka nyanyi, mungkin karena dulu nyokap gue sering bgt karaokean di radio dangdut, jadi kuping gue udah akrab sama lantunan lagu. Bisa dibilang semua lagu dangdut yang hits gue apal. Ini bukan bicara dangdut, ini soal musik. Yang sadar pertama kali gue bisa nyanyi justru bukan nyokap gue, malah nyokap temen gue yang sadar gue bisa nyanyi, diajarin lah sedikit - sedikit. sampe akhirnya di sma gue bru sadar, nyanyi sangat mengasyikkan buat gue. sampe akhirnya gue punya band. tapi sayang sekarang orang yang sadar pertama kali gue bisa nyanyi udah tenang di sisi-Nya. Andai ajah masih disini, gue mau bilang makasih udah ngebuka salah satu kecerdasan ilahiah gue dibidang musik. Apapun sekarang gue enjoy jalaninnya, dengan atau tanpa panggung, dengan atau tanpa microphone, gue bisa nikmatin setiap nada yang masuk ketelinga gue dan gue keluarin dari mulut gue. 

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010


Gak tau ini udah yang keberapa kali gue bikin blog. Tapi kali ini gue bakal gunain blog ini se efektif mungkin. Cuma mau berbagi pengalaman, cerita, bahkan info yang gak penting-penting amat tapi sayang untuk dilewati. Ini cerita tentang Gue dan Jalan Pikiran Gue.